Elite Enchantment spell. While you maintain this enchantment, damage dealt to target other ally is reduced by 20..50%. If your Health is below 50% when that ally takes damage, Life Barrier ends. (Protection Prayers) Enchantment spell. While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally takes physical or elemental damage, you gain 1 Energy. (No Attribute) Spell. Target other ally is healed for 40..100. This spell has half the normal range. (Healing Prayers) Enchantment spell. While you maintain this enchantment, whenever you cast a Protection Prayer or Divine Favor spell that targets an ally, that ally is healed for 15..60 Health, and you lose 1 Energy. (Divine Favor) Spell. Target ally is healed for 25..100. This spell is easily interrupted. (Healing Prayers) Enchantment spell. While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target other ally takes damage from an attack, half the damage is redirected to you. The damage you receive this way is reduced by 3..30. (Protection Prayers) Enchantment spell. For 1..15 seconds, target other ally loses a condition every 3 seconds. (Healing Prayers) Mesmer
Elite Spell. Interrupt the target foe's action. If that action was a skill, that foe and nearby foes are knocked down for 2..4 seconds. (50% failure chance with Fast Casting 4 or less.) (Fast Casting) Spell. For 20 seconds, Arcane Mimicry becomes the non-form elite skill from target other ally. (No Attribute) Spell. Removes an enchantment from target foe and gain 3..15 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Enchantment is replaced with the enchantment removed from target foe. (Inspiration Magic) Hex spell. For 5..15 seconds, whenever target foe attacks, that foe takes 10..55 damage and deals 1..15 less damage. (Domination Magic) Hex spell. For 1..10 second[s], target foe moves, attacks, and casts spells 33% slower. (Illusion Magic) Signet. If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and that foe suffers 10..51 damage. If that foe is hexed, Signet of Disruption can interrupt any non-spell skills. (Domination Magic) Hex spell. For 3..24 seconds, target foe's attacks do +10 damage, but there is a 50% chance that the damage from each attack will be done to that foe instead. (Maximum 15..100 damage.) (Illusion Magic) Ritualist
Elite Item spell. Hold Kuurong's ashes for up to 15..60 seconds. When you drop his ashes, all nearby foes are struck for 15..75 damage and knocked down. (Channeling Magic) Enchantment spell. For 10..30 seconds, whenever you cast a weapon spell on an ally, that ally loses 1 condition. (Spawning Power) Item spell. For 60 seconds, all shouts and chants you use last 20..50% longer. (Restoration Magic) Item spell. Hold Xiko's ashes for up to 5..20 seconds. For each hex or condition you are suffering from while holding her ashes, you gain +3 Health regeneration. When you drop her ashes, you lose 1..4 conditions. (Restoration Magic) Binding ritual. Create a level 1..14 spirit. When this spirit dies, all party members in the area are resurrected with 5..50% Health and zero Energy. This spirit dies after 30 seconds. (Communing) Spell. Destroy all nearby allies' spirits. For each spirit destroyed in this way, all party members are healed for 50..100 Health. (Spawning Power) Item spell. Hold Daoshen's ashes for up to 15..60 seconds. While you hold his ashes, all Ritualist skills have 10% armor penetration. When you drop his ashes, all nearby foes are struck for 15..85 lightning damage. (Channeling Magic) Paragon
Elite Echo. (3..15 seconds.) Target ally gains +1..3 to all attributes. Renewal: every time a chant or shout ends on this ally. Cannot target spirits. (Leadership) Shout. For 4 seconds and 1 second for every 2 ranks in Leadership, all party members within earshot take 20..35% less damage. Affected party members are healed for 35..60 Health when this shout ends. (Sunspear Title Track) Spear attack. If this attack hits, you deal +5..20 damage. If it hits a summoned creature, all nearby foes take 15..90 holy damage, and are set on fire for 3 seconds. (Spear Mastery) Chant. For 10 seconds, the next time each ally within earshot uses a Spell, that ally gains 1..6 Energy. (Motivation) Chant. For 10 seconds, the next skill used by each ally within earshot cannot be interrupted. (No Attribute) Chant. For 10 seconds, the next time each ally within earshot casts a spell, that ally loses 1 hex. (No Attribute) Echo. For 10..35 seconds, target non-spirit ally loses 1 condition whenever a chant or shout ends on that ally. (Motivation) Dervish
Elite Enchantment spell. For 15 seconds, whenever you attack a foe with your scythe, you deal 10..25 slashing damage to all adjacent foes. (Earth Prayers) Enchantment spell. For 45 seconds, you deal 20..25 holy damage to all adjacent foes whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. (Friend of the Kurzick Title Track) Flash enchantement spell. For 7 seconds, you move 25% faster. If this enchantment ends prematurely, you lose 1 condition. (No Attribute) Enchantment spell. For 20 seconds, you have +24 armor and +1..4 Health regeneration. Vow of Piety renews whenever an enchantment on you ends. (Wind Prayers) Scythe attack. If this attack hits a foe, that foe is Crippled for 3..12 seconds. This skill deals +3..15 extra damage if that foe is moving. (Scythe Mastery) Scythe attack. If this attack hits, you deal +5..20 damage. You gain 3 Energy and 1 adrenaline for each foe you hit. (Scythe Mastery) Melee attack. If this attack hits, you deal +3..15 damage. Each foe you hit loses 1 condition. For each foe who loses a condition, all foes adjacent to that target foe take 10..40 holy damage. (Scythe Mastery)
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